Selecting A Bankruptcy Lawyer

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Selecting A Bankruptcy Lawyer In Orlando, Florida

What To Consider When Selecting A Bankruptcy Attorney In Florida

Have you decided that bankruptcy is the best option for you and your family? If so, you are not alone. Every year, nearly one million individuals and families make the decision to get out from under the heavy burden of consumer debt. And every year, more and more law firms decide to enter the arena by calling themselves bankruptcy or debt relief law firms. How do you know what to look for when searching for the right lawyer to represent you?

First, Look For Experience

Don’t believe what you might hear on late-night television. Bankruptcy can be complicated and frustrating. After all, the bankruptcy process involves judges, lawyers, courts and both sides fighting for their own interests. Creditors don’t just roll over and play dead. They want their money. Your lawyer will need to understand the most efficient, cost-effective way to move your case through the courts and get the outcome you are looking for.

Second, Look For Commitment

Bankruptcy is a hot area of the law right now. Law firms that typically focus exclusively on personal injury or criminal defense law will hire a bankruptcy lawyer and call themselves a debt relief agency. Yes, they are good lawyers, and yes, they will help you get through the process. But ask yourself whether you are confident that every loose end will be tied up neatly. A law firm that is committed exclusively to bankruptcy law, however, will anticipate possible problems and help move your case along quickly.

Third, Look For An Attorney You Are Comfortable With

You will be spending a lot of time with your lawyer over the next several weeks and months. You will need to trust each other and have confidence that you are in the right hands. Ask whether your lawyer will still be practicing in the area of bankruptcy law in two or three years after the economy recovers and many law firms drop out of the bankruptcy field. The Law Office of Paul L. Urich, P.A., has always focused exclusively on the area of consumer bankruptcy. I have been here for decades, and I will be here far into the future.

Take Advantage Of A Free, No-Obligation Consultation

If you are in the process of selecting a bankruptcy lawyer in Florida, I hope you will consider my focus, commitment and integrity. From my office in Orlando, I provide debt relief and bankruptcy representation for individuals and families throughout central Florida. To get started with your free consultation, call me at 407-584-1735 or submit an online contact form.

I am a debt relief agent. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

Call Law Office Of Paul L. Urich, P.A. at  407-584-1735 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

Disclaimer: We are a debt relief agency. We are attorneys who help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.

Have Questions?

Call Law Office Of Paul L. Urich, P.A. at 407-584-1735 today to schedule your

free initial consultation, or submit an online contact form.

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