Creditor Harassment Collections

Take back your peace of mind—let us handle creditor harassment
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Creditor Harassment Collections Attorney In Orlando, Florida

Work With An Attorney Who Can Help You Fight Creditor Harassment

How many more collections calls and threatening letters can you stand? Bill collectors work in one of the most tightly regulated segments of our economy, yet they still find heavy-handed ways to threaten debtors with foreclosure, wage garnishment, liens, repossession and even jail unless they get their money. You’ve tried to explain your circumstances, but they just don’t care.

If you have reached the end of your rope with debt collection agencies, it’s time to contact the Law Office of Paul L. Urich, P.A. From my office in Orlando, I help people throughout central Florida get out from under the crushing burden of debt collectors. Whether you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy to restructure your debt under a court-supervised plan, or Chapter 7 bankruptcy to eliminate your consumer debt, you will be represented by legal counsel. That means all debt collection agencies will be ordered to cease and desist from any further collections actions against you directly. Upon receiving written notification that you have retained a lawyer, they must deal directly with me.

How Long Until The Calls Stop?

It takes approximately three to four days for the bankruptcy paperwork to catch up with your creditors. After you retain me to represent you, simply give them my firm name and contact information, then hang up. Forward any threatening collections letters you receive to me and I’ll take it from there.

Get Creditors Off Your Back – Contact My Firm Today

Get the fresh start you and your family need. Whether you are facing foreclosure, a car repossession or simply cannot keep up with the credit card bills, talk to me. I’ve helped hundreds of people get through the bankruptcy process efficiently and cost-effectively. Imagine what it would be like to sit down with your family and not have to worry about a collections call. I can help you turn it into a reality.

To discuss your options in a free consultation, call 407-584-1735 or fill out an online contact form.

I am a debt relief agent. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

Call Law Office Of Paul L. Urich, P.A. at  407-584-1735 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

Disclaimer: We are a debt relief agency. We are attorneys who help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.

Have Questions?

Call Law Office Of Paul L. Urich, P.A. at 407-584-1735 today to schedule your

free initial consultation, or submit an online contact form.

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